Monday 2 November 2009

How To Manually Score/Crease Card Blanks

Another way of cutting the cost, if you are using creased card blanks, is to manually crease/score the card yourself. Card is much cheaper if purchase in A4/A5 blank card format, and most certainly cheaper if buying in bulk.

If you do decide to buy A4/A5 blank card, to score yourself, the best way to crease the card to a single fold is to use a card scoring board. These are widely available from many craft stores. But since most brides are trying to cut costs, and are probably not crafters, the chances are, you will not have a scoring board to hand. If you know a crafter, it may be worth your while asking to borrow one. Its ok, thinking, great, I will save money, and crease the cards myself..but with the tools, this can be a very time consuming job, especially if you have 100's of blank cards to score.
We would recommend you buy the card pre-scored for a more proffessional finish, but if you do only have a small amount to score, then we found the best manual method, is to use the back of a mouse mat.
  • Firstly put a little pencil mark where the score needs to go on the card, by measuring it.
  • Place the card on the back of a soft computer mouse mat.
  • Now, using a ruler, place it across the blank card.
  • Score a line, with the back of a blunt knife, or a pen with no ink.
  • Now gently fold the card where the crease is.
  • Make sure you check the fold on the first card, before racing ahead, and scoring lots of blank cards.

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